Ken Follett in Milan

This week Milan has enjoyed a series of interesting events about all sorts of topics. The magazine Panorama (sorry, no English page here) is organizing a tour of Italy and it was our turn. I signed up to hear Ken Follett speak and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Here's a pic I took at the event. It's important for writers to hear other writers speak. We can learn a lot. However, that's not really the reason to go. We need to remember that we are in the world and we have to stay connected. I don't write only for myself - I write for my readers. Now, I have a very small fraction of the readership that an author like Mr. Follett has (thanks to all 5 of you), but I am interested in hearing what you would like to read. This is why I put an email list sign up on the page. You can type in your address now and be notified when I post. In the comments today, let me know what you're interested in finding when you come by to see me.